lettera sindaco piglio

To all those persons who unite the love for the mountains to faith

With great pleasure I welcome the request of Don Alessandro, Archipriest of Filettino, to address all those who visit our beautiful mountains and at the same time honor the Pope who has joined our hearts and our lives whit his example of semplicity and love for what is true and alive, a few words of remembrance and invitation to visit the religious paths dedicated to St. John Paul II. In an area between the territory of Piglio (Ernici mountains) and the territory of Filettino (Simbruini mountains) two are the paths that have been dedicated to this extraordinary Pope.

The first path is on the road that leads to Piglio from the Altipiani of Arcinazzo, in the area called "Insuglio" beside a small lake so called in pigliese dialect. On a small hill is a statue dedicated to the Pope and from there leads a path along which over the stones of marble with the most famous phrases of St. John Paul II it was placed a beautiful "way of the Cross" with its 14 stations, wrought iron, measuring 3 meters by 3, by the sculptor Adamo dell`Orco. But the path has a contemplative journey much longer and above all a journey that covers more numerous mountains sites. The start is given by the Church of Altipiani di Arcinazzo, through the lawns of territory of Arcinazzo Romano along the equestrian center St. George and leads up a mountaiin trail called Arch of Subiaco, that leads up to the Church of" Madonna del Monte" an ancient place where shepherds stopped during transhumance that led the flocks from the mountains to the sea places.

From the "Madonna del Monte" you go down and you arrive at the Insuglio where following the way of the Cross come the meadows of St. Biagio (another beautiful plateau surrounded by Simbruini`s mountains. Here is the stone to remember the walks of Pope st. john Paul II that very often during his pontificate he spent hours alone in prayer and in contemplation.

By lawns St. Biagio you can access but there are another easier path to the summit of Mount Retafani along a small mountain paht, where one year ago opened another path contemplative religious: " Via Lucis". They were laid five stations of the Mistery of the Light of the Holy Rosary, realized by the master Ernesto Gentilini. The path leads to a Cross placed on top of the mountain. Is this a path of the spirit or a "trek of the spirit"? Certainly, of course.

It is an easy walk that can be done by anyone and no special gymnastic skills are required, only good will and a proper equipment for fhe mountains walks, it can be shortened for people with less skill, can largely be covered with cars and so anyone can set out into pristine areas with a lush and typical of our area in a silence broken only by birdsong and the rustle of the wind.

The Mayor
Mario Felli


Diocesi Anagni-Alatri

Comune di Filettino

Comune di Piglio